Nutrient and energy density

When planning a healthy diet, it’s important to consider both the nutrient density and energy density of the foods you eat. The nutrient density of a food is the ratio of beneficial ingredients (e.g., vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fiber, and phytochemicals) to the food's energy content for the amount that is commonly consumed. Energy density is the amount of energy (calories) in a particular weight of food.

Eating foods with high nutrient density can promote satiety, meaning they can help you feel fuller for longer. You can also eat larger portions of these foods without consuming too many calories. Eating nutrient-dense foods also helps ensure that you're getting all the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.

On the other hand, eating foods with high energy density can lead to weight gain if you're not careful. These foods are usually high in fat or sugar, which increases their calorie content and makes them more energy-dense. If you're trying to lose weight, it's important to choose low-energy-dense foods more often so that you don't consume too many calories without feeling full.

Overall, considering both nutrient density and energy density when watching your weight is key for maintaining a healthy diet and achieving your desired results. By choosing nutrient-dense foods more often and avoiding high-energy-dense foods, you'll be able to enjoy larger portions without overconsuming calories.



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